

The story of the PC version of the game stands in contrast to what the player can usually find in fantasy genre. The protagonist of the title is not a long... show more
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The story of the PC version of the game stands in contrast to what the player can usually find in fantasy genre. The protagonist of the title is not a long-haired, righteous prince, but a terrifying, heavy-armored lord of darkness who wishes to take over the world and bring death, destruction and other plagues to the world. Hordes of minions are helping him in achieving his goal. They believe in magic power of their lord and they are eager to fulfill all wishes of their master.

The minions that accompany the player are very grotesque. They are characterized by strength, physical fitness and great dumbness. If the player orders them to jump into a cliff or into fire, they will do it without a second thought. The player can also use them to blow up cities with explosives. It doesn’t matter to them that they die in the process. As an Overlord the player can recruit new Minions from the souls of defeated enemies.

Minimal requirements: 

System: Windows XP SP3  
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2,4 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2400+
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce FX5900 or ATI Radeon 9500
Disk space: 4,5 GB