The plot revolves around the apocalypse, referred to as The Calamity. One day the main protagonist – a boy named Kidd – wakes up and to his terror he finds out that he, his bed, and part of his room are drifting amongst the remains of the world, in which he used to live. The young lad embarks on a journey to find other survivors and provide them with shelter. On his, journey the main protagonist has to beat many obstacles. The shattered world crawls with various monsters he has to face. Of course, Kidd can use an arsenal featuring diverse weapons, both in close and in ranged combat. The game is also full of simple logical puzzles, diverse quests, and character development mechanics.
Minimal requirements
Processor: 1.7 GHz Dual Core
Graphics: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible
Memory: 2 GB
Disk space: 1 GB
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7