Skullgirls EncoreSteam

Skullgirls Encore

In the game we move to an unusual world plunged in conflict as a result of the action of a mysterious artifact - Skull Heart. The object meets the wishes of you... show more
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Descrição do Produto

In the game we move to an unusual world plunged in conflict as a result of the action of a mysterious artifact - Skull Heart. The object meets the wishes of young women, but it does so in a truly twisted way: for example, by bringing peace through war. Skull Heart also turns unclean souls who dare to bring requests to him into fearless combat tools - the title Skullgirls.

The single player campaign is divided into 14 different scenarios, one for each playable character. Skullgirls 2nd Encore also introduces fully dubbed feature interludes.

The creators of the production prepared a dozen or so heroines. Each of them has its own set of blows and movements, which are performed using the classic six-button control system. The combat system is rich and allows you to lead a lot of attacks and special powers. The creators have also introduced a mechanism to protect players from those who bend the rules of the game. The "Drama" indicator, which is a novelty in the Encore edition, limits the length of combo, for example, allowing to free oneself from an endless series of unblockable attacks.


Minimal requirements:

Processor: AMD / Intel Dual-core CPU
Graphics:  Intel HD 3000
Disk space: 2GB
