press START to get your first tasks!

How to earn with PLAY&EARN in GamerHash app?

Available Play&Earn tasks


Mantenha a aplicação GamerHash atualizada
+ 0.25 GHX
Confirmar o seu email
+ 0.5 GHX
Proteja sua conta com 2FA
+ 1 GHX
Mina sua primeira moeda
+ 2.5 GHX
Inscreva-se na newsletter
+ 1.5 GHX
Instale o aplicativo móvel GamerHash
+ 2 GHX
Conecte sua carteira Metamask à sua conta.
+ 8 GHX
Tenha 100 GHX em sua carteira Metamask
+ 10 GHX
HODL Mestre
+ 30 GHX
Desafio de Staking
+ 40 GHX
  1. 1. Register your GamerHash account HERE
  2. 2. Download and install GamerHash desktop app from HERE. It's available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
  3. 3. Open "Install GamerHash" task and click "Earn your $0,4

Download GamerHash App for PC...

Desktop App
  1. Download GamerHash app by clicking the button below
  2. Run Benchmark
  3. Name your device
  4. Start earning!

Use received funds in GamerHash store

Using GamerHash Store is a convenient way to spend Bitcoins earned with our app. Enjoy Netflix, the newest games, prepaid cards and more!