Sacred 3Steam

Sacred 3

The story of the game, serving only as a background for the gameplay, is a continuation of the events from the arcade minigame Sacred Citadel. The Seraph,... show more
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Descrição do Produto

The story of the game, serving only as a background for the gameplay, is a continuation of the events from the arcade minigame Sacred Citadel. The Seraph, guarding the legendary Heart of Ancaria, have protected the peace in the country for centuries. Unfortunately, they have been forgotten together with their deeds. Meanwhile, Lord Zane, the ruler of the Adhen Empire, allied himself with demons and wants to obtain the legendary artifact, which can open the gates of the underworld. To stop Zane, four mighty heroes join forces: Marak the warrior, Vajra the archer, Claire the paladin, and Alithea the lancer.

Minimal requirements:

System: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1  Windows 8 
Processor: Intel Pentium D945 (Dual Core @ 3.4 GHz) / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (Dual Core 3.0 GHz)
Memory: 2 GB
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GT 610  AMD Radeon HD 4770
Disk space: 25 GB