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Watch Dogs: LegionUplay

Watch Dogs: Legion

This is a restricted product and it can be activated and played ONLY in Europe Watch Dogs Legion is taking place in the near future, some time after Bre... show more
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Product description

This is a restricted product and it can be activated and played ONLY in Europe

Watch Dogs Legion is taking place in the near future, some time after Brexit (the UK left the European Union), which took place in the game world on 29 March 2019. Since those events, the country (and the whole world) has changed dramatically. Increasing automatism, as well as the dynamic development of Artificial Intelligence research, has led to a dramatic rise in unemployment; the cryptocurrency are starting to crowd out classic money more and more.

A government that should, in theory, uphold order and look after the good of its citizens is increasingly oppressing them. At one point in London, a bomb attack takes place in which the hacker group DedSec, which is well-known to fans of the cycle, is framed. As a result, London is controlled by a private military organisation, Albion. Mass surveillance and arrests are the order of the day. Our aim is to find those responsible for this attack and clear the name of DedSec, which is now forming a kind of resistance movement.


Minimal requirements:

Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2 GHz / AMD Ryzen 3 1200 3.1 GHz

Memory: 8 GB RAM

Graphics: 4 GB GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon R9 380

Disk space: 55 GB 
